f a i t h SEES the invisible, BELIEVES the incredible and RECEIVES the impossible...


July 20, 2010

Take Charge of YOUR Happiness

What makes you happy? Really think about it for a moment. I started wondering about the concept of happiness last year, and never really stopped thinking about it. I started asking myself, what actually happens on my "good days?" What happens on my "bad days?"

Well, here's what I found. When I come home from work feeling good, it's usually for a couple of reasons.
  1. I got enough rest. For me this isn't an issue anymore, because I physically cannot stay up past 11 p.m...no matter how hard I try. Even though it bugs me because everyone else my age can stay up all night and have fun...the positive thing is that I sleep like a rock and get a consistent 7+ hours of sleep every night.
  2. I exercised. Starting the day off with some cardio is scientifically proven to stimulate chemicals in the brain that help cognition, such as serotonin, glutamate and norepinephrine.
  3. I ate breakfast. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes. It doesn't have to be a texas omelet with a t-bone and grits. Grab a pack of crackers within an hour of getting up or make a sandwich. It speeds up the metabolism and fuels you up with strength and energy for the day.
  4. I listened to my favorite songs. PANDORA has changed my life. My India Arie Radio has me singing positive affirmations all day.
  5. I made it to work with time to spare. I'm the type of person that gets stressed...quickly, if I'm in a rush. I misplace things and forget everything else. Leaving a few minutes early to beat traffic and get to work before the first meeting allows me to take a breath and get my mind right before heading into the fray.
  6. I was productive. I actually did some work that's going to make tomorrow a little easier. Whether it was
  7. I did something out of the ordinary. The daily routine can get old...fast. Sometimes taking an hour to go outside with the laptop and enjoy the sunshine can really help your mood. Today, I snuck in an office closet, kicked my shoes off and did some jumping jacks for one-minute to shake the tiredness I was feeling. And it worked!
  8. I CLAIMED IT. Instead of waking up and saying, "UGH. It's gonna be a LONG day. Lord, help me," as many of my follower do on Twitter. Wake up and claim the opposite. "Thank you God for waking me up this morning and allowing me yet ANOTHER chance to get it right. This is going to be a great and productive day." You'll be amazed at how different your day turns out, just by saying these words (and actually believing them).
So, what classifies as my bad day? Doing the opposite of all of these things. Being lazy (ie: staying up late and missing the alarm clock, missing breakfast, watching the clock, being negative) can make my days drag by and seem purposeless.

My advice? Let's stop being RE-active and start being PRO-active. Too often we let others decide how our day will be. Our moods turn into emotions derived from our reactions to others. Someone cut me off this morning- man, I was hoping to have a good day. Someone took my parking spot- man, I was hoping to have a good day. The cafeteria ran out of pizza- man, I was hoping to have a good day. My co-worker was rude to me- man, I was hoping to have a good day.

NOBODY can make you feel ANYTHING without your permission. Don't let someone else ruin your high- you can't control why they're so upset. Brush them off, laugh about it and keep on struttin'. Figure out what constitutes your good days and take charge of YOUR happiness! You'll have nothing but good days to come.

What helps guarantee your good days?


  1. This is an excellent post... I talk to people everyday about happiness and being "purposeful" about it! Your list is awesome... and I want to share it with others struggling to find joy!

  2. let me just say you're the reason why i started blogging again. thank you for the inspirtation lol :)

    but i totally agree with you have to speak positive things into existence if you want to have a positive outcome. now I am more careful in what i say, because I'm trying to my life positively, not negatively.

    but keep up the good work. i always enjoy reading your blogs!
