f a i t h SEES the invisible, BELIEVES the incredible and RECEIVES the impossible...


July 6, 2009

True Life- I Have MS

So, I was supposed to be visiting Niagara Falls this week. Instead, I'm spending the week getting intravenous infusions at Raleigh Neurology. Things happen so fast.

Last week was when the numbness started. It started in my fingers then spread to my stomach and back and now it's enveloped almost my entire body. I'm exhausted all the time and my clumsiness has reached a whole new level (which I didn't think was possible). I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis this past Friday, and it's still hard to believe.

With all these circumstances, it's easy to ask: "Why me?" But over the past few days I've started to wonder..."Well, why NOT me?" I'm now at the point where I realize that you can't question God. God doesn't put anything on you that you can't bear and I've already given my worry and fear to Him. Not to sound cliche', but I know it's already all right.

None of us know what God's plan is for our individual lives but it is our duty to live it to the best of our ability, seize every opportunity that is presented to us and in turn, roll with the punches. I'm not going to let this bump in the road slow me down in any way. I still realize that there are big things planned for me and just because I have MS doesn't mean that MS has me.

Timeline of my journey:

(sometime in April)- experienced very bad vision problems and clumsiness (and ignored it)
June 27- experienced numbness in my hands (and ignored it)
June 28- experienced numbness in my core section and legs (and told someone)
June 29(am)- went to the walk-in at my doctor's office
June 29(pm)- was sent to raleigh neurology to meet with a specialist
June 30- began prescription meds
July 1- had my first mri
July 2- overheard my doctor telling my mom "it's probably ms"
July 3- got the news from the specialist that he thought it was ms
July 6- met with nurse to discuss treatment plans before my first infusion
July 7- continued morning infusions in the "iv suite"
July 8- had a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) at rex hospital