f a i t h SEES the invisible, BELIEVES the incredible and RECEIVES the impossible...


July 1, 2010

Back to the Future

Have you seen the movie series, Back to the Future? Made in the '80's, the series stars Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox, who use a DeLorean time machine to travel to the past (1955) and in Part II, to the future (2015). I watched the second movie on ABC Family and started to subconsciously compare their vision of the future to where we are now. It's funny how a lot of what the producers and writers predicted, has now come to fruition. Some predictions were also made in literature. The first being the Bible's Book of Revelations (which is too deep for me to even attempt to write about), and others in examples like 1984 by George Orwell or even Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

While many of these "predictions" have come true, one must wonder if the predictions are actually inspired forecasting or simply self-fulfilling prophecies. In my opinion, it's the power of envisioning. We see what others envision (or even what we personally envision) and subconsciously/consciously work to bring these visions to light. The same can be applied to horoscopes that magically seem to come true, or even fortune-telling tarot cards.

So, where did these visions lead us? After watching Back to the Future, Part II- I started wondering how culturally far we are from what others predicted. Attempting to place myself in the mindset of someone from the past, transported to now, here's what I discovered:

1. Robots taking jobs?
So, remember how we used to bring or groceries to the cashier, who would bag them for us? Not anymore! There's this phenomenon called "self check-out" and it's in almost every store I visited! Not only did I have to scan and bag the groceries myself...I didn't have to speak to one human the whole time! Speaking of interaction...want to rent a movie? Why bother going to the store and actually interacting with a clerk to find the one you want? Now, you can go to something called "Redbox" and press a few buttons to get the movie you want. Don't feel like going out? Order a movie straight to your TV with something called Netflix!
2. WOW! Life-Sized Barbies?!
I have been seeing "plastic women" all day. Black women have long, straight hair with narrow, straight noses and some even have bright, blue eyes! I've seen white women with huge breasts, huge backsides and faces that show no expression when they talk. I saw an Asian woman today with large, green eyes! Last week I even saw an obese Latina women enter a hospital and hours letter come out thinner than a toothpick! What is going on??
3. I can read people's minds! (Literally)
So, I used to always wonder what people were thinking...now I can get a computer (a machine that seems to host an entire world) and read random people thoughts on website like Twitter and Facebook. And I don't even have to respond to them!
4. There's INSTANT access to info.
People used to complain about informational divides, but now, almost everyone can receive information on ANYTHING with the click of a button! The term "google it" is more common than "do you know...?"

6. Big Brother
Big Brother is watching and people are actually giving in! Cell phones (personal phones that stay attached to the human body) can track individuals within a one mile radius...even when they're not on the phone! Think people would protest this? Well, they actually REPORT where they are and what they're doing to the world on the Internet!
7. Video Chat
I can actually look at you as I speak to you on the phone!
8. The Green Movement
People think that the world is going to come to an end if they continue to do simple things such as throw away (instead of recycling) trash, drive cars or even cut down a tree! Now, the focus is on "all-natural" foods, walking to work and even driving electric cars! Flying cars haven't emerged yet.

And he looks NOTHING like the other presidents on the classroom timeline.

These phenomenons that we commonly regard with little thought as to how they came about, were all derived by the imagination (or vision) of others. Want to predict your future? Envision it and I can pretty much guarantee you that it will come true. Your future is in your head.

*Can you think of any other "futuristic" things that are happening right now? Try to think of yourself as a visitor from the past and feel free to share...I find futuristic things everywhere!

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